You do not break cycles by changing your thoughts. You break cycles by feeling the emotions/anxiety that you suppress. You can do this regardless of what you are thinking or doing. When you are no longer avoiding emotions/anxiety, your thought patterns change naturally
When you attempt to change your emotions/fear by changing your thoughts, this is called (emotional) manipulation because it creates the illusion of control over your emotions. Furthermore, it creates a fixation with your thoughts that results in what we call overthinking
You cannot out-think or explain away your emotions/anxiety. You are just distracting yourself from the present by constantly thinking about something else. The emotion/anxiety is still in the present AND it is accumulating since you are not addressing it in the present
If you can be present with anxiety or emotion without judgment, it will ALWAYS be released or expand into something favorable. Just be present. It’s that simple. You do not need to think or do anything. You can just be as you are
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