CATS cost 100M to create and another 100 million to advertise. When we hear this, I don’t think “could have made a way better movie for that $”

I think, “could have given 50 new voices in film 3M budgets + 1 million for marketing each, & AT LEAST one would be a blockbuster hit.
Instead of betting the house on a risky idea, bet smart on a wide net of promising talent, and see what floats to the top. If even a few become massive commercial successes, you double or tripple your money on the entire 50 film investment. And you then have 50 new IPs.
Execs love to talk about supporting voices and wanting to change the industry.

One or two studios making this choice would fundamentally shift the storytelling landscape.

Instead of taking a star-studded money bath a few times a year on giant bad investments. Jus sayin. 2021.
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