🧵 The fact that Trump is ordering tick-tock to be bought by an American company and part of its sales put into the treasury doesn’t surprise me. It was only a matter of time before he did something like this.
First The government tries to stop publication of books it doesn’t like for whatever reason. First it was Ed Snowden‘s book, then Mary trumps.
Then in the case of Ed Snowden‘s book when they couldn’t stop the publication they took all of his royalties.
The government forcing a company to be sold to a US owned company is just another step up for them. Do you realize how much they can control by doing this?
Think about it, if they can for any reason control whether or not a book can be published and who gets the royalties and who can own or buy/sell a company what else can they control? This is kind of scary, honestly.
It’s starting to look more and more like a dictatorship. And yes, I know what a dictatorship looks like. It’s like Donald Trump is trying to be Adolf Hitler, but failing miserably. And yes, I know what I’m talking about.
Let me just say that there were things about Adolf Hitler and the way he ran Germany that you were never taught in school. Dude just didn’t wake up one day and immediately take over Germany.
I keep saying that Donald Trump is basically another Adolf Hitler and it’s true. A lot of the tactics Donald Trump has used, so did Hitler.
Your school textbooks barely scratch the surface of the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. I promise! Honestly I’m waiting for the government to start burning books next. No, not joking!
I mean what happens when you tell people they can’t read a book? They read said book. How are you going to stop them from reading that book? Burn it!
How are you going to stop people from using a very popular social media app? Destroy it! Microsoft buying that app would do it. They’ve destroyed literally everything they’ve bought.
Skype used to be excellent… And then Microsoft got a hold of it. Now it’s a giant pile of crap.
I… Don’t know how to end this thread. But if you used Skype in the age before Microsoft got it then you know what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about accessibility issues Necessarily.
If you look into other programs and applications and things like that that Microsoft have purchased… You’ll see my point.
And the thing is, Microsoft isn’t the only one. Apple and Google ruin things too. For instance, YouTube was much better before it was purchased by Google.
Cory Doctorow did a thread on his page the other day about why this is. If you’re curious go to his page and read it. It’s @doctorow / end
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