Try as you might, you cannot underestimate Alan Dershowitz.
He claims that having a character specifically state he was giving his opinion was an admission of guilt. Ok.
Here's the CBS response which, delightfully, takes this opportunity to use the threat to advertise for The Good Fight and mock Dershowitz for being an incompetent attorney who received a massage at Jeffery Epstein's home.
After pointing out that Dershowitz admitted to receiving the massage, CBS points out how hard it is to sue because a character on a show says something mean about you that is indisputably an opinion, especially when a bunch of newspapers agree:
Dershowitz calls himself an honest and honorable lawyer, and hints that he's only being attacked because he represents unpopular clients.

I'll note that I know a lot of people who represent unpopular clients who don't tag along with them when they commit crimes.
And finally, stealing the last little bit of thunder from Dershowitz, the letter argues that shyster is not an anti-semitic slur.
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