to all my Hijabis, may Allah always keep us modest on the inside & the outside. May He purify our hearts. I pray that we never come close to removing the Hijab & if we do, I pray that we overcome it. may Allah SWT pull us closer to the path that is most loved by Him. Ameen
it really can be a struggle especially when you’re exposed to girls taking it off or wearing it with the baby hairs out and what not. may Allah make it easier for all of us to properly wear hijab covering everything correctly. it’s def a journey but I pray we all get there
may Allah put the love of Hijab in our hearts. to every girl who’s struggling, I hope u remember how merciful Allah is. we’re wearing it bc it is a commandment from Allah swt, may Allah grant us the strength to continue wearing it & to start wearing it for those who don’t. Ameen
I never ever wanna judge girls who don’t wear Hijab or are even struggling w it bc I can empathize with them wallahi bc I’ve also struggled w it. the reality is that as soon as you act arrogant towards the struggle of others, God will humble you v quickly. none of us are safe tbh
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