ROSE-COLORED GLASSES: Evidence Trump is walking dead. (cc @saradannerdukic) A THREAD.
CAVEAT: If you are going to read this, you have to promise me that you will vote come hell, high water, covid, USPS delays, bee stings, home-schooling, etc.
Sara poses the question: why screw up the USPS when so many of your voters rely on it for medication, social security checks, and your stupid republican fundraising mail? One possible answer: YOU ARE WALKING DEAD and no one is even trying to get you reelected.
Trump would benefit from competent mail service, because his voters are largely older, sicker, more rural and need postal service. They need it to get Trump propaganda and they're going to need it to safely vote.
But the gluttonous thieves around Trump hate government unions and profit from USPS competitors. So Trump voters can shove it, and Trump is walking dead.
COVID Response? Imagine if Trump took the mantle of leadership and actually led us out of this COVID mess. Paid people to stay home; led a "moonshot" on the disease; had real success to tout. But no ... it's all grifters, lunatics and fools. Because Trump is walking dead.
If Trump doesn't benefit from the world-class failure on COVID, who does? Grifters for one. Putin, for two, as he can point to how the US isn't a model of leadership. BUT ALSO Biden, the dems and us ... because Trump is walking dead.
It's the same thing with health care generally. Trump flat out promised a health care system that would help his voters. And he flat out failed, because traitorous Moscow Mitch would never pass that. Because Trump is walking dead.
Speak of which - things that Moscow Mitch could pass that would help Trump's standing with Trump's voters: financial support during COVID; a national pandemic plan; direct tax relief for actual voting citizens - almost anything, really, but Trump is walking dead.
What does Trump have left? RU wants the USA and democracy to look like damaged goods ... Trump winning is secondary. China? Same. The fundraisers and fund-spenders like Parscale? They're GETTING IT WHILE THEY CAN. Trump is walking dead.
The clickbait press has long fed at the Trump trough, but they'll feed on his carcass too. Dirk out.
Also. VOTE OR ELSE and please follow so I can spam you with @dirkandthetruth releases.
It's a fair point.
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