Re: Jerry Falwell yacht photo.

The impulse is to laugh in disgust/horror at the photo.

But it should actively anger you on behalf of the students who have faced significant consequences on campus for the *same* actions.
Drinking? Smoking? Possession of cigarettes/alcohol? Against the rules regardless of age. Could result in a “$300 fine, 30 hours community service, and/or expulsion.”

Real people who could not afford the fines have been fined for this. Real people were kicked out for this.
Oh and unbuttoning your pants? Could cost you $150 and/or 15 hours or community service for being in “any state of undress with a member or the opposite sex.”
*also* what half of those women were wearing would disallow them from attending a class, going to the gym, or walking around on campus so as to not risk the purity of men. Guess Falwell’s not too concerned about his “purity” 🙃
Again, *real* students have suffered *real* consequences for these actions. *Real* students have been kicked off extracurricular activities, have had to forego groceries to pay fines, have lost their ability to attend LU, because of these policies. Which apply on *or off* campus.
If you place Jerry in a vacuum, I don’t give a *whole hoot* what he does in his free time.

But policies backed by Jerry, signed off by Jerry, reflected on by Jerry, are hurting real young people while Jerry gets to claim religious political persecution on a yacht. Gross.
Romans 2:21a - “thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thy self?”

Romans 2:23 - “Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?”

If you’re going to set a law, you must be the first to follow it.
The most common reactions to this thread have been: “just leave” or “the students must be just like him if they chose to go there.” Here’s a condensed thread of top-level responses to these ideas:
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