strange is the perfect song to show how different joon and yoongi are in terms of delivery and how efficient their respective styles are when it comes to conveying their ideas
yoongi doesn’t address you directly he makes a statement about the way the world is right now, and he delivers his verse as if he was a bit out of breath, inhales at the end of each bar (and we know hes mastered the use of his breath to strengthen his storytelling)
but then after the polarization line he switches it up and his delivery gets monotone and bitter when he asks “who would it be that benefits the most? who would it be that gets harmed the most?” all in one go — his delivery perfectly reflects what he wrote on the topic
Meanwhile the first thing joon does is address you directly and instead of stressing syllables or using his breath the way yoongi does hes engaging directly with you so he stresses words — you think YOU got taste, oh baby HOW do YOU know — and Everything’s under Control
under control rhymes w the choices line, the capital line w the feed one— he delivers them more aggressively n slows down when he stresses “system’s”, slave and *dog* house, delivering all 3 words w the same tone to accentuate the idea n repeats it with “oh baby what’s your name”
Basically all this rambling to say that a. Joon’s writing includes the listener and or with himself more often than not, “you” and “we” essentially, so he stresses entire words and ideas he wants you to take away+
while b. Yoongi’s writing tend to be either from an external POV, statements, truths— or a v detailed personal POV w his own experience (dear my friend) so he makes you connect w him by “narrating” the story a certain way using everything from rhymes to syllables to his breath+
To convey emotions and set the mood. —Which is the reason why 134340 is probably Thee yoongi verse bc he went as far as incorporating dialogue— and why namgi complete each other perfectly.
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