Yesterday I tweeted that using western beauty standards & fat shaming to mock nazis actually upholds those beauty standards & white supremacy. I was accused of defending Nazis, focusing on the wrong things. I am a public Jewish historian & activist. I KNOW the dangers here /1
A Daily Stormer article written about me
A 2nd Daily Stormer article written about me
More antisemitic harassment focused on my looks. Pointing out that I don't physically look like their idea of the "master race" based on Eurocentric beauty standards is a go to for nazis. Why would we reinforce these standards? These tactics?
After all-I have a Jewish nose, frizzy Jewish hair, large Jewish breasts. I'm not a skinny, tall, lithe, blond, blue eyed specimen of the "master race." Nazis like to point these things out to Jews and BIPOC to justify our dehumanization in their eyes. Why would we support this?
My dissertation is on a murder case in 1876 examining the racialization of Jewish immigrants and the inability to access citizenship rights due to anti Jewish bigotry in culture and law. Look at the features emphasized in the drawings of the people involved
When I talk about reinforcing white supremacist beauty standards I’m talking about the heart of the dehumanization and oppression. These tactics are how genocide is justified. We must tear down the system of western beauty standards NOT support it even against nazis
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