it’s crazy that some ppl think i made up being sexually assaulted bc i never talked about it. tell me, if someone had pictures & videos of you being abused unconscious& held them against u for leverage how would u handle that? i talked to an officer that did NOTHING.
“if u contact me i’ll send them to __” “if you text me i’ll post them __”
after being robbed of my innocence at 14 years old you know how scary that is? video proof of someone ruining your fucking life and there is nothing you can do about it
i can never call that person out bc i’m truly afraid of them. to this day still. they still have evidence of my assault that they have showed ppl but i just hope one day they will learn what they did and just get rid of it
5 years after my first attack I was already moved on, taking the right steps and seeing someone else. I was on a romantic date & looking up at trees from the floor sent me into a panic attack. full blown shaking, crying, not able to breathe panic attack.
So many years after my assault, i still get flash backs, my heart still drops when i see my rapists name somewhere, every time i get a spam message “these pics are you!” i have a mini panic attack. are they really or is this spam?
moral of the story is, just because people don’t talk about things they are ashamed/afraid of does not mean they aren’t real. if you are a rapist, do the innocent people in this world a favor and just die. just 30 seconds of gratification ruins lives FOREVER.
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