Powerful call to action under the theme, ‘Why We Can’t Wait,’ by over 100 orgs., incl. @ReparationsComm @hrw @NCOBRA40 @ACLU, urges #US Congress to pass #HR40. The journey to repair the lasting harms of slavery starts w/ #HR40. #WeCantWait #ReparationsNow https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/08/03/us-congress-should-pass-reparations-bill
Urge your representatives to support #HR40 here: http://www.hrw.org/reparationsnow . All members should be on board with this call for reparatory justice. The #US must reckon with its past and ongoing harms. @SupportHR40 @lucymcbath @gregstantonaz @RepDMP
#HR40 can’t wait, when school districts that serve higher populations of Black and brown students receive $23 billion less in funding compared to mostly white school districts, even though they serve the same number of children. https://edbuild.org/content/23-billion/full-report.pdf
#HR40 can’t wait, when Black students are disproportionately punished and criminalized in their schools, beginning in preschool, facing greater rates of suspension, expulsion, and arrest compared to their white peers, often for the same behaviors. https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/030419-acluschooldisciplinereport.pdf
#HR40 can’t wait, when systemic racism is leaving Black people w/ symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, harm to their immune systems, premature aging, all while Black people are less likely than white people to have access to mental health services. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/take-care-black-women/202006/racial-trauma-is-public-health-emergency
#HR40 can’t wait, when the suicide rate for Black children is rising faster than for any other racial and ethnic group, and the second-leading cause of death for Black youth aged 10 to 19. https://watsoncoleman.house.gov/uploadedfiles/full_taskforce_report.pdf
Don’t ask us to wait, when Black people are more than six times as likely as white people to languish behind bars for possessing drugs for personal use, even though Black & white people use drugs at the same rates. https://www.hrw.org/report/2016/10/12/every-25-seconds/human-toll-criminalizing-drug-use-united-states @SupportHR40
Don’t ask us to wait, when Black women in the United States are three times more likely to die of preventable pregnancy related causes than white women, and are nearly twice as likely to die from cervical cancer. https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/11/29/us-cervical-cancer-deaths-black-women
“We can’t recover the lives lost to systemic anti-blackness & racial terror. We can’t undo the trauma that has wrecked havoc on Black communities & bodies. But what we can do is pass #HR40.” The #BlackLivesMatter movement requires it. #WeCantWait #ReparationsNow @SupportHR40
You can follow @dreisenheath.
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