Selling is half of the reselling game 💵

Shipping is your other half 📦

Great shipping WILL :

- Stand out to customers
- Get positive feedback
- Lower returns

I give you :

📦Shipping : A Thread 📦
1. Supplies

There are a few key items that you'll need for shipping

- Boxes 📦
- Packing Material ☁️
- Tape 🧵
- Labels 🧻

We'll go through them one by one and learn how to use them all effectively.

P.S : Buy these supplies through your business, they're easy tax write offs!
Boxes 📦

The best place for boxes is the USPS itself

They have tons of free boxes that work for 90% of my orders

Check it out :

I would recommend stocking up heavily, the order limits are very high.
Boxes (cont)

My favorite sizes from the USPS are :

- Box 4
- Box 7
- 1097
- Regional Rate A/B

For paid boxes I like :

- Walmart

There will be times most likely when you need sizes that the USPS won't cater to

This is when I pay for boxes
Packing Material ☁️

I use two types of packing material

- Bubble Wrap
- Air bubbles

They both can be found cheapest at ULINE

In a pinch?

Try some crumpled newspaper 📰

It has saved me a few times 😅

Use more material than you think is necessary

Returns <<< Material
Tape 🧵

Buy a quality tape gun upfront ‼️

It will be the workhorse of your shipping duties 📦

@toyfolio also recommends a auto tape dispenser if you're really serious about it

Scotch makes a decent one for <$20 that I use.

Like packing material, use extra tape!
Labels 🧻

You will need a label for every product you send out.

Printer + scissors will work to start 🖨️

I recommend getting a thermal printer though

It saves me so much time every day

Check out either :

- Rollo Printer
- Zebra ZP450

Get bulk 4x6 labels on eBay ‼️
Pricing 💵

Buy your shipping on eBay.

You get a discount and it imports all the info for you.

My strategy is to change carrier by weight. ⚓️

< 1 pound - USPS First Class

2 - 10 pounds - USPS Priority 🪶

10+ pounds/Bulky - FedEx Home ⚓️

UNLESS you can use a flat rate box.
Shipping 📦

When packing a box :

- Fill all available space! Less movement is better

- Use more material/tape than necessary on expensive items

- Protect your items with a thick layer of bubble wrap

Pretend like USPS will throw it off a cliff 😅

Got all of that?

Now I want you to :

1. Assemble your supplies

2. Buy an item and resell it

3. Pack it TIGHT

4. Get a happy customer + positive feedback ✅

I hope you learned something 😀

Feel free to ask me something if I missed it!

RT's are appreciated ♻️
You can follow @FlippingFanatic.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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