For #MythologyMonday @MythologyMonday asked for facts or beings related to death in #mythology so here is a thread of beings related to death.
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1. #Thanatos the #God of death in #GreekMythology. He is the child of #Nyx and #Erebus and the sibling of #Morpheus. He is similar to the grimm reaper and goes to remove souls from mortals when the Fates/Moirai decide. #MythologyMonday 2/8
2. The #Fates/Moirai. Three of the oldest deities in #GreekMythology. #Clotho spins the #thread of #life. Lachesis measures the golden thread. Atropos cuts the thread ending the life of a mortal. #MythologyMonday 3/8
3. #Hades is the #god of the #Underworld in #GreekMythology. He is not god of death but rules over the souls in the land of the dead with his wife #Persephone.

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4. #Hel is the #goddess of #death and the #Underworld/ #Helheim in #Norse #Mythology. She was banished and made that world her own because of her parents and scary visage.

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5. #Ereshkegal is the #goddess of the #Underworld and of #death in #Mesopotamian #Mythology. In later legends she became #Kore and then #Persephone.

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6. #Osiris is the #Egyptian #god of the #Underworld. He also symbolized #death, #resurrection, and the cycle of Nile floods that Egypt relied on for agricultural fertility. #MythologyMonday 7/8
7. #Anubis is the #Egyptian #god of #mummification and the #afterlife he is the patron god of lost souls. He is one of the oldest gods of #Egypt, who most likely developed from the earlier #jackal god Wepwawet with whom he is confused. #MythologyMonday 8/8
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