i am BoreD so:

1 like = 1 stupid fact about mslf
1. i intentionally put pizza on the fridge so i can eat it cold sometimes
2. i was on a plane that almost yeeted out the sky once and had to do an emergency landing but i still love flying
3. i might have been close to being strangled by a ball python while making breakfast in maryland once (its really not an interesting story im just dumb💀)
4. i unplugged the christmas tree on an airport to charge my phone at 4am once bcs all other outlets near seats where taken
5. i’ve been parasailing 🪂
6. i almost got a tattoo when i was 14💀
7. olives are a fruit
8. sometime during my life for like 1-2 weeks i had a 8am - 10pm sleeping schedule
9. my fav season of the year is november to april
10. on my last piano concert i went on stage wearing ripped jeans and a band tshirt bcs this bitch was done with that shitz
11. i learnt how to swim when i was only 3yrs old
12. i got bitten by a duck in sebago lake trying to feed it a grape while it was swimming near our boat
13. i had three sugar gliders pee on me while playing with them and they started climbing on my shirt and head
14. i fell in a pool at 11pm (fully clothed) while trying to learn skateboarding in a hotel in greece a few years ago (i was bored and the floor next to the pool was perfect✋🏻)
15. i was camping in maine and our campground was far away from the bathrooms and i needed to go at 4am so i walked through the woods alone in the dark like a🤡 and lost my way so i just went by the lake and sat there looking at the🌙 till it became light enough to find the way
16. mint dark chocolate slaps
17. my fav snacc is sour candy my tongue is gonna fall off one of these days
18. Dogs have three eyelids (im running out of dumb facts about mslf so im including random knowledge as well)
19. i am shit at remembering birthdays and how old ppl are but i can remember birth years and i just whip out my math skills to do 2020 - [ ] when i need to
20. i’ve never cried watching a movie or reading a book (as far as i can remember)
21. im really good at subject like physics or math or wtv but i hate them with a passion
22. i started a tiny fire in the microwave once when i was little trying to microwave a piece of dry baguette
23. i almost got run over by a tram 🚋 in prague trying to peal an extinction rebellion sticker off a pole
24. dianxia phat ass
25. chu wanning best boi
26. i dumped hot tea on my face once when i was like 3yrs old bcs i was too small to reach the counter and just slid the cup off right on my noggin 🍵
27. i am yet to ever be defeated in a card game we play here called “lies” where u literally just go around lying about the card u put down
29. i learnt how to swim when i was only 3yrs old by almost drowning in a pool during vacation in turkey 💀✌🏻
30. i am currently procrastinating getting stuff done by thinking of dumbass things to put on this thread
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