#RailtonLTN has been in place for just over a month now. We thought we'd share some of the pictures we've snapped in the area showing the wide variety of people who now feel enabled to cycle (and walk - check the pavements!) and as enforcement ramps up this will keep improving
Men and women, old and young...
Lots of women - we chatted to one of these ladies who told us she'd never felt safe in the road before, and had previously ridden on the pavement. She was loving it!
Some "lycra louts" - that's what you call 'keen cyclists' on road bikes if theres even a hint of spandex isn't it?
Also lots of people comfortably cycling with family and friends in the #RailtonLTN
and people just going about their everyday business (in the case of this window cleaner very literally) by bike. Of course LTNs don't just benefit people on bikes - this disabled Loughborough Park resident was just heading to Brockwell Lido. #RailtonLTN has *opened* the roads
One more time. Opening roads, not closing roads. #RailtonLTN
You can follow @LambethCyclists.
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