I was gonna tweet out a meme or a “I’m back” photo but as a black person I cannot get back on this app and ignore the events that have happened in the past three months.
I cannot ignore the fact that my people have been dying because of the very people who were supposed to protect and serve.
The fact that I have to fear for my people and myself because of our skin color is ridiculous, my grandparents and many others grandparents fought for their rights, their childrens rights, and grandchildrens rights as black people.
And to see my people many decades later still not receive those rights is disgusting and should not be happening.
I’m frustrated that innocent black men, women, and children are getting murdered by police and their killers are still roaming the streets as if their not criminals.
I am fed up with this country and how they treat my people and the fact people have the audacity to make fun of those tragedies is sick and disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves.
If you support All Lives Matter or Blue Lives Matter and you follow me, unfollow or block me because I do not need a disgusting excuse for a human to be following me or be associated with me.
- [ ] the message of Black Lives Matter isn’t “black lives only matter” it’s “black lives matter too”. R.I.P George Floyd, R.I.P Elijah Mcclain, R.I.P Breonna Taylor, and the many others who have lost their lives because of racism and arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor.
You can follow @VaderRespawns.
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