Given my captaincy selection was so bad last season I've worked on some stats in order to try and rectify it.. firstly to get a return is one✅ but more importantly is to select those who return once fairly consistently (✅pop and have a tenancy to 🧨 ( bang >10 pts) .. cont..
So what I tried to do was to look at the last 12 results for a selection of players and see how many ✅ and 🧨 as a percentage.

Then I put a weighting on it

2/3 ✅ and 1/3 🧨which may give the right balance of risk and reward.... here are the findings #FPL #captaincy
Defence. #FPL
Doherty an excellent option.🧨
Awb if assists continue 👀
Robbo up there and Trent under performing (but never ❌)
Tarko / Egan 🤐
Midfield (incl possible reclassification

Big guns stand out.
Bruno, raz, kdb. 🧨
Pulisic mahrez consistent ✅
Salah and auba sneak in.. #FPL
Forwards. (With reclassification)

Martial 🧨🧨
Antonio 🧨
Ings/jimi/Jesus ✅
Greenwood/kane/vardy 🤐

And overall...

1. Fernandes🧨🧨🧨
2. Martial🧨🧨
3. Sterling🧨
4. Docherty👀
5 AWB👀
And don't forget the new boys.
Ziyech and Werner. Both make it onto the list basis last 12 appearances and returns. #FPL

Conclusion. Strikers do not offer as much value as mid and an attacking full back when it comes to captaincy.. but you know that right..... 🤣🤣🤣
Caveat. Martial being reclassified will of course reduce his points.
@FMLFPL you boys got me thinking. Doherty captain set and forget? 🤣🤣🤣🧨🧨🧨
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