My phone automatically corrects "Frorida" to Florida

Pretty sure *every* phone automatically corrects "Frorida" to Florida

Are you telling me the President of the United States has a phone without autocorrect or can't find where to turn it on or has no intern to do it for him?
PS/ Also just need to underscore that this is a misspelling of his *home state* that he had to wrestle with and overcome his phone's built-in autocorrect to achieve
PS2/ His careless typos in his tweets—*official presidential statements*—are enough for flash fiction:

"Melanie was in Frorida peachfully drinking covfefe. She pondered the oranges of her unpresidented sadness as the hamberders cooked. She needed educatuon—an honered counciler."
PS3/ "Would he tapp her cell like they do in Columbia? 'Gas he?' she pondered. 'No! It'd be to much.' If she offered him her apologizes, maybe he'd stop attaking her? 'I hear by resolve to be a better Melanie,' she thought. Or, she could move to Denmakr. Or Columbia!"
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