What can be known/safely conjectured about the Antichrist from the Church Fathers, Saints, Catechism, and Scripture.


-The Antichrist is an article of faith (CC 675)
-He is an individual
-He will imitate Christ
-feign holiness
-have a notorious mother
-seem a savior
-He is proceeded by
-great turmoil, confusion, trouble
-mass apostasy
-the evangelization of all peoples
-abuses in Catholic worship
-the convergence of material, personal, social, political, and religious evils
-the restoration of Israel
-false peace and security
-We shouldn't try to guess his name
-He will deceive by genius/persuasion
-seem to fulfill prophesy
-hate idols
-be admired
-be eloquent, intelligent, witty, philosophical
-He will possess unrivaled wealth
-will rule over a revived Roman Empire (territorially or symbolically)
-Rise rapidly to fame/power
-will establish "order"
-have global dominion
-perform false miracles
-preach sin and license
-will have false revelations
-will express belief in the god of forces(?)
-will change global calendars
-will compel all to worship him in the rebuilt Temple
-His followers will be marked/sealed symbolizing apostasy and an inversion of Chrismation
-The mark comes with privileges:
-high wages
-public offices
-pleasures and possessions
-Those who refuse are shut out of society
-He will seem to raise humanity to its zenith
-All believers in God and in eternal life will be persecuted
-The persecution of the Christians will be the worst in human history
-the most genocidal/total/global, with no hope of hiding without divine assistance
-so violent that almost all (esp. the unconfirmed) will fall away
-This persecution produces the most glorious martyrs
-They will be tortured in unimaginable ways
-Enoch and Elijah will appear (not reincarnated)
-They will be mocked, receive no publicity, preach for 1260 days then be killed
-They will lay unburied for 3 1/2 days then rise
Christ himself will destroy the Antichrist in the midst of an attempt to imitate the Ascension (like Simon Magus). This is either the moment of Christ's return or the beginning of a period of peace and restoration for the Church, lasting >45 days, after which the end comes.
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