You know... my new motto is to block/mute those who don't choose kindness.
Intentional racism - block.
Bullying - block.
Harrassment - block.
Lying/Slandering - block.
This world is dark enough. Just be fucking KIND.
@asongforjonsa is a genuine LOVELY person. She is constantly supporting others and finding sweet ways to put a smile on others faces. She is in NO way antisemitic and those who are spreading that she is are getting blocked by me for spreading slanderous lies.
Courtney (KTF) is not intentionally racist. Mistakes may have been made but she's made attempts to correct herself. We are all human. We all make mistakes. She has given SO much to this fandom and seeing people pile on her is just... sad. She's a real person.
@Violethoure666 put into words what I have struggled to do. We need to create space for people to make mistakes and learn. Attacking people just creates fear and doesn't encourage debate, learning and critical thinking.
I also do firmly believe in LISTENING to BIPOC voices and having tough conversations. But I think for those conversations to have the most impact... they need to happen in a healthy productive way. A lot of what went down this weekend didn't feel productive. It felt ugly.
If you need to unfollow me, block me or whatever because I feel this way... go ahead.

I just want people to be respectful and kind.
You can follow @SpaceMinstrels.
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