URGENT THREAD 1/: The new issue of the Jewish magazine "Mishpacha" includes a stunning story about NJ nursing homes and a leading rabbi that no one else is reporting... until now. (TRANSLATION: "talmid" & in this context means "student/follower") : "Early on, a talmid called...
2/ ... with a complicated question. As an operator of several nursing homes, he was being forced to accept residents who’d tested positive for the virus as they were released from hospitals that no longer wanted them...
3/ ... Despite the clear danger to their current residents and staff, the nursing homes were being given no choice.
Rav Shmuel told him unequivocally that to accept these patients was a form of retzichah, murder, since it put the other residents at serious risk...
4/ ... But then, on a conference call, (Gov. Murphy) informed all home operators that failure to accept the patients would mean losing their licenses. The talmid called Rav Shmuel again. Lose your license, the Rosh Yeshivah ruled, but you can’t put...
5/ ... your elderly residents in danger. The nursing home operator listened to his rebbi. Weeks later, he stood tall as the only major nursing home operator in the state of New Jersey who didn’t lose a single resident to Covid-19."
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