Study authors: “Our findings reveal that significant cardiac involvement occurs independently of the severity of original presentation and persists beyond the period of acute presentation, with no significant trend toward reduction...”
The cardiovascular abnormalities should impact athletes, but perhaps athletes have some protective factors against the impacts measured. It’s tough to know, so we’re all swimming in a pool of uncertainty at the moment.
The variable response rate may not just be related to cardiovascular issues, but also related to other systems. There is some speculation that COVID-19 may affect stress hormone cortisol, the entire endocrine system, the respiratory system, and more.
For our athletes, we have developed a general rule. After athletes are cleared to run by their doctor, we treat return-to-run after infection more like a stress fracture than the flu. Consider starting with a big rest period before ramping up gradually.
Final message: Even if you feel safe from the worst impacts of COVID-19, take it seriously. The virus seems to be playing by different rules. And we’re all still trying to figure out what game we’re playing.
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