(I'm driving back to the office so answers will be slightly delayed)
👤: Ideal GOP 2024 presidential candidate?

👴🏼: Literally any non-Trumpist. But we'll probably get Tom Cotton or Mike Pompeo or Don Jr, because we live in the dumbest possible timeline. https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127650904
👤: Do you think there’s any way to convince those people that believe everyone that "only rioters" are being pepper sprayed and/or given life-altering injuries by the police?

👴🏼: No. Many people are too invested in the infallibility of police and... https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127651899
👤: Where do you plan to get barred next? Any interest in going international?

👴🏼: Washington DC. Doubt I'd ever practice internationally, it's hard enough trying to understand Texas's Rules of Civil Procedure https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127651875
👤: How has business been going since COVID hit?

👴🏼: Same volume of inbound calls, but nearly all court appearances have been delayed and bunched together. Gonna be dealing with a court backlog until 2021 https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127650548
👤: How are you doing? How’s the family holding up?

👴🏼: Good! Still COVID-free, bills are paid, and the pets are getting along well https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127650181
👤: When is the best time of year to visit N Carolina?

👴🏼: Depends on what you want to do. Early summer if you prefer the beach, late September-ish if you prefer the mountains https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1120454450
👤: What are your preferred proportions for making an Arnold Palmer?

👴🏼: Depends on how much sugar is in the lemonade and the tea, respectively. Usually a 50-50 even split https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1120449440
Probably "ambulance chaser"

Though the ever-witty douche variants are in 1st place by a wiiiiide margin https://twitter.com/mathdemigod/status/1290299851754766339
I dropped out of undergrad unexpectedly because I couldn't afford it (was homeless for a stretch, etc), and nearly all of the jobs I held during the 5 years I was a dropout were in the legal industry https://twitter.com/comgeek25/status/1290295885134348289
As long as any given thread is on a given subject, I just rely on Twitter's built-in search tools. The sheer variety of built-in operators for Twitter's advanced search is A+++ https://twitter.com/skiskamp/status/1290297026945486852
Probably. Too much $$$$$$$ at stake for the big conferences to just skip it. But you're gonna see a lot of cancellations and rescheduling due to COVID outbreaks https://twitter.com/shake1n1bake/status/1290302885759082498
I'm so far removed from modern gaming I couldn't give you a competing opinion. My most-recent console is a 1st generation Wii 👴🏼 https://twitter.com/preachdnb/status/1290306721743695872
Philosophically, depends on the issue. They're superlative on criminal justice, less so on others (free speech, campus due process, etc)

Financially, no. My charity contribs are focused on our bi-monthly Philanthropy Friday events https://twitter.com/calijawn/status/1290304694472937473
Complex question with different answers depending on different variables

➡️ If no candidate has a majority of electoral votes when Congress counts them, House picks the President with 1 vote per state under the 12th Amendment

1/ https://twitter.com/dbi60/status/1290296407362953216
➡️ If there are no electoral votes at all for some reason – e.g. the presidential election was totally delayed and Trump's term – the Speaker of the House of the new Congress would become Acting President under the 20th Amendment and 3 USC §19(a)(1)

➡️ If there are both no electoral votes and no new Congress – e.g. all elections are totally delayed and terms expire without replacements – then the President Pro Tempore of the remaining Senators would become Acting President under 20th Amendment and 3 USC §19(b)

➡️ If we're somehow in true crazytown territory – no President, no VP, no House Speaker, no President Pro Tempore in the Senate – you go the "Designated Survivor" route. The first-available Secretary of the oldest Department becomes Acting President under 3 USC §19(d)

Were I a betting man, my wager is all the votes are counted by Thanksgiving and everything transitions on the normal timeline

This should say "and Trump's term ends" https://twitter.com/greg_doucette/status/1290314980844347393
I think so. The wiki summaries I've read on legal doctrine and cases – which, as a forewarning, are limited since I have to read the cases themselves too – are typically quite good https://twitter.com/theclevername2/status/1290304955308417025
Marco Rubio should be shamed into leaving public life entirely. Tough to envision someone devolving from a presidential contender to a more-feckless Congresscritter than him https://twitter.com/pokerzomb/status/1290302415896555520
It's not up to Trump or Barr. At 12:01pm on 20 January 2021, there will be a new President. https://twitter.com/vjporter/status/1290316362737385472
20th Amendment. The 116th Congress ceases to exist as a legal entity at 12:01pm on 3 January 2021 https://twitter.com/g_sharp_major/status/1290316924900061184
This question is nonsensical. "The Presidency" is not a thing that someone can refuse to relinquish. It expires automatically, and on its expiration is then bestowed on someone else https://twitter.com/bassmanlownote/status/1290318942708338688
The Presidency is "The King is dead. Long live the King."-esque in its operation

It's why re-elected Presidents are inaugurated again instead of just sticking around for 4 more years
Hitler didn't have someone else claiming they were Chancellor at 12:01pm on January 20th https://twitter.com/irishbull_313/status/1290320181705801730
👤: You are able to change 1 thing to improve the efficiency of the NC General Court of Justice, up to and including instant amendment the state constitution. What is it?

👴🏼: Dramatic expansion of the number of judges / clerks / bailiffs / courtrooms https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127668859
👤: Have you ever visited the North Carolina Transportation Museum (Spencer Shops) in Spencer, NC?

👴🏼: I have not. My travels to Spencer have only been as a pit stop en route to Salisbury or Charlotte. I'll add the museum to my to-do list! https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127664878
👤: Is it worth it to get my Class D felony resisting arrest expunged in the state of California?

👴🏼: I'd have to defer to California lawyers on that. I usually recommend folks get felonies expunged here in NC if they can https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127681675
👤: Do you give any credence to the notion that the DNC picked Biden as a patsy, to lose the election, to avoid taking responsibility for what about to happen with...

👴🏼: No. Biden won the primary because Sanders failed to win over African-Americans https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127677900
👤: Even if Biden wins and there’s a relatively smooth transition of power, is there any hope of us actually getting back to a government that functions?

👴🏼: Not any time soon, no https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127673145
👤: Which US state do you think has gotten the most cases of police brutality during the BLM protests?

👴🏼: In terms of quantity, I imagine it would be a close fight among Oregon, New York, and California https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127668159
If that's genuinely the expected scenario, then everyone should be buying guns and ammunition https://twitter.com/ritysayo/status/1290344831609446402
We don't know what states' majorities they control, because it's the new Congress that decides https://twitter.com/gthank/status/1290343140507947008
👤: What would you say to a small company shareholder bloc that wanted to change voting rights from one share one vote to one person one vote?

👴🏼: I'd need more details on their Articles of Organization, their Operating Agreement, and the nature of... https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127660194
👤: How did you find your area of practice? What advice do you have for lawyers stuck in a practice area they hate?

👴🏼: Mostly by accident. I intentionally have done business litigation since the beginning, but fell into criminal defense when several... https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1119982611
👤: I hope you have no ill will towards those who love Vic regardless of everything, including those who have stayed out of the drama.

👴🏼: I'm ambivalent toward Vic Mignogna's fans. My ire is reserved for the conVic CHUDlets who harass people with his... https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1110217142
👤: Are you still as motivated to keep up the megathread as when you first started it?

👴🏼: The motivation is there, just don't have as much free time as I did two months ago https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127657907
👤: Is there a dem presidential candidate you would have preferred over Biden?

👴🏼: I voted for Elizabeth Warren. Frankly any of the Democrats are better than Trump – I will be voting for Biden – but generally prefer candidates with deep policy chops https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127657146
👤: Three have to go: collards, biscuits, grits, pecan pie, hoppin john, buttermilk pie, spoonbread, cornbread, jambalaya. Which do you ditch?

👴🏼: Hoppin john can go for sure, buttermilk pie for sure, then probably toss the spoonbread (though I could... https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127685876
👤: What actually ends the protests? At this point what change will be seen as "enough"

👴🏼: Time. Protests die out on their own b/c people have other priorities. These ones would have died off if cops didn't go apeshit with brutalizing everyone in sight https://curiouscat.qa/tgd/post/1127685424
Tough question, because Ted Cruz is clearly the biggest drop in terms of "knew better but bent the knee like a wuss" (esp after his "vote your conscience" RNC speech) but I had low expectations for him anyway

I'd probably say Richard Burr https://twitter.com/cascadianviews/status/1290317927934095360
I'm not well-versed on the laws re candidate substitution, but my assumption is the RNC could choose Trump's replacement https://twitter.com/rosatools/status/1290326236003209219
Not terrible?

I love baked and/or fried doughs generally, but the fillings are hit-or-miss https://twitter.com/lwhonaker/status/1290336414991867907
Had not considered this before, but that's a very good point. Things would be well and truly f*cked without a time standard https://twitter.com/bterlson/status/1290316555390029824
I listen to a little bit of everything, but in terms of quantity I'd say R&B https://twitter.com/ctonhunter/status/1290319542070255618
No, Richard Burr was a colossal disappointment before he was a criminal https://twitter.com/zach_shatley/status/1290351314459922434
Andrew Jackson would like you to hold his beer https://twitter.com/stevesnow29/status/1290337345468760065
Roy Moore and his wife are going to lose

The transcript of the dismissal hearing is on @courtlistener – the judge made clear the only reason he was denying it was because of discovery issues relating to a contract between Moore and Cohen's company https://twitter.com/graysautonomy/status/1290329997807251456
You won't, the texture of buttermilk pie is blegh and hoppin john is barely edible https://twitter.com/hobbesgrrrl/status/1290405355076296704
I was never impressed with Bernie

Nor, it seems, were most people who voted in the D primary https://twitter.com/votedementia20/status/1290667586133413894
And yet he still couldn't win https://twitter.com/votedementia20/status/1290668550458408962
A 2016 campaign apparatus and 5-year head start netted him all of 7 states

I'm sure plenty of people liked Bernie. My statement was most who voted in the D primary did not. The data doesn't lie https://twitter.com/kaleim88/status/1290669388736036864
He couldn't even break 20% in South Carolina https://twitter.com/votedementia20/status/1290670498733596673
Have I seen the "moderate" candidates drop out and endorse the remaining "moderate" in a primary? Every election 😂

Instead of insisting it's a conspiracy months later, maybe ask why Bernie couldn't convince 20% of SC Dems to ignore those endorsements https://twitter.com/mistercash420/status/1290671281751429120
Before. The SC primary was February 29th. Sanders didn't say anything on the coronavirus until weeks after it was clear he wouldn't win the nomination https://twitter.com/nichartley/status/1290671484088852480
My Claim: "Most people who voted in the primary were unimpressed"

Your Response: "But the donors!"

Me: "Well here's the map of voters"

You: "But he had a ton of support!"

Do you see the non-sequitur here? https://twitter.com/scottapattison/status/1290672597294694401
The first 3 states – combined – had roughly the same number of Democratic primary voters than SC had by itself

One person one vote used to be a Dem principle https://twitter.com/anims515/status/1290672148441370624
I'm old school. I think the person who "should" win a primary is the one who gets the most votes https://twitter.com/nichartley/status/1290673739038896133
Not dunking on Sanders at all. I was responding to BernieBros in my @'s who are bent out of shape I voted for a woman https://twitter.com/scottapattison/status/1290674560468045829
0%. The only ones who won't vote for Biden were never going to vote for any Dem who wasn't Bernie

Everyone else will crawl across crushed glass and hot coals to vote against Trump https://twitter.com/queerventures/status/1290673540472217600
Well had the other candidates stayed in until those states voted it might have mattered

Your question was why the largest state out of the first 4 primaries had the largest impact. I told you https://twitter.com/anims515/status/1290675308190933001
No one said anything at all about you not supporting Warren or Clinton. I give literally zero f*cks

As anyone capable of reading English can see from the thread, I was responding to "You voted for Warren over Bernie? Wtf is wrong with you?" https://twitter.com/mistercash420/status/1290676510907674626
Then why are you still @'ing me?

It's bizarre. Maybe it's because I do things outside of politics, but I've never been that invested in another politician https://twitter.com/jdelgadillo1/status/1290678905570025472
This tweet is gibberish https://twitter.com/webeburnin305/status/1290681146733244416
You can follow @greg_doucette.
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