tl;dr Working on your Fall classes? I made a pick’em game for the fall elections. It’s free to use for anyone teaching elections/Am Gov/ data sci. etc. and will also be open to the public. This is what cabin fever does to political scientists. Please share. Details below…
This is a simple election game that thousands of students across the country will play. If your students can fill out a March Madness bracket, they can play this game and learn about American elections. Perfect for online or in-person. College or High school. 1/4
I am a teacher too, so we made this (so) easy to add to your classes at various levels of credit. An “instructor resources” page has powerpoint slides and example assignments. This is all free and is not for research. It is for teaching and for the public. 2/4
Curious for info? Please provide your email address in this short form to get more information and a link to the website and a one-sheet explainer (we will not give or sell your email to anyone). No strings. I am a teacher sharing an exercise. That’s it.
In Oct., national election experts will play along, and your students can see if they can beat the experts. Please share with any teacher who might be interested. The site will eventually be open to the public as well, but for now we are just contacting teachers. @electionmadnes2
You can follow @egojunk1.
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