Thought provoking insights from the book- One Small Step Can Change Your Life by Robert Maurer Ph.D.
A threadđź’¬
1/Kaizen is an effective, enjoyable way to achieve a specific goal, but it also extends a more profound challenge: to meet life’s constant demands for change by seeking out continual—but always small—improvement.
2/If you don't know Kaizen then read this - Kaizen is a Japanese practice of taking small steps to continuously improve a process or product.
3/ Setting a big goal is exciting. But it’s also scary. The larger the change we want to make, the more fear we experience (fear of the unknown and fear of failure).
4/ When a region of the brain called the amygdala detects fear, it triggers our fight-or-flight response in the body and then we instinctively seek out comfort and find it hard to concentrate on long term goals.
5/ However, when we use kaizen and take embarrassingly small steps towards a goal, we tiptoe past the amygdala's fear detection system and avoid activating the flight-or-fight response
6/ These small steps eliminate a fear of failure and remove the urge to distract ourselves. The smaller the steps we take, the quicker we lay new neural networks in the brain and develop positive habits.
7/Dr. Maurer says with kaizen "your resistance to change begins to weaken. Where once you might have been daunted by change, your new mental software will have you moving toward your ultimate goal at a better pace"
8/So there are 2 options and you can choose one of them:
Option 1: (Motivational Route) Take large steps towards change --> Feel fear --> Activate fight-or-flight response --> Seek short-term relief/comfort --> Failure
9/Option 2: ( Kaizen Route) Take very small steps --> Bypass fear --> Reduce the urge for immediate comfort --> Take action and build constructive habits --> Success
10/ "Attempts to reach goals through radical or revolutionary means often fail because they heighten fear. But the small steps of kaizen disarm the brain’s fear response, stimulating rational thought and creative play."
11/ “Improve by 1% a day, and in 70 days you’re twice as good.” – Alan Weiss, Ph.D.

End of the thread.🔚
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