I made a pretty cool discovery last night. I’ve been thinking about my sidereal 6H south node and how it has influenced my life and I realized every pet I’ve ever owned has had a lesson to teach me. Here’s a thread of their lessons:
My first dog ever, Maggie, was a Springer Spaniel and my best friend 🥺 I was very little, like 4 or 5, and I was taken to my grandmothers for the day. I saw a bag of treats at her house and I decided to take some back to Maggie so I grabbed them right before we left to take
back home. Once we got back, I couldn’t find Maggie anywhere. I was so excited to give her, her treats, but she wasn’t coming when I called. I asked my mom where she was and she got confused and then looked very sad. She said Maggie had been put down during the day while I was
at my grandmothers house. My first lesson, and a lesson I have yet to master, is loss, and the importance of TALKING about it. Ever since I lost maggie, it’s been difficult for me to process grief in a productive way, I tend to pre-grieve so I don’t have to feel the full effects.
of the loss when it actually happens. If I had just been told about what was going to happen to her, I could have processed my grief properly with the emotional support of others around me. Talking about loss is so important, even if your children are “too young” to understand.
Sidereal Scorpio 1st house, Ascendant conjunct Pluto, 1st house Sun and Mercury
My 2nd pet was a Rat named Sheila. I saved up for months for the $90 it would cost to get her and all of the necessities to go with her, and pitched to my parents emphasizing the importance of my duties and responsibilities when it came to Sheila’s care. They hesitantly
Agreed and we went off to the pet store. I brought Sheila home and she was such a wonderful lil rat 🥺 she would sit in the hood of my sweatshirt and sleep all day while I played Zoo Tycoon on the computer. My childhood “best friend” hated Sheila though, & would always comment on
How gross Sheila looked or how weird I was for getting a rat in the first place. My other friends often joined in on the mockery. I started playing with Sheila less and I almost came to resent her for bringing on more negative attention than I deserved. When Sheila died,
that same friend was with me. My mother came outside and told me Sheila had passed away and my friend said she was “glad” Sheila had died, like it should have been a relief to me. I went inside. I was devastated and I felt so terrible and guilty for being ashamed of Sheila &
failing to give her the proper attention she deserved during her short rat life🥺 Sheila taught me the importance of loyalty, of having pride in your friends and loved ones, even if others don’t, & the responsibility we have to defend and support the people we love
without fear of judgement by association.
Sidereal Sagittarius 2nd house, with Jupiter, Venus, and Mars
My third pet, Bella, 🥺🥺🥺 idk how to accurately portray how important Bella was to me, but she was like the pinnacle of importance when it came to my emotional well-being. She was with me throughout middle school and high school, and kept me company at home. She would lay
With me while I watched TV, and comforted me when I cried. She was more of a comfort to me than any of my family members, so I often depended on her when I was going through it. With a family like mine, it was pretty much everyone for themselves, but Bella was the constant that I
Depended on. Bella taught me the importance of truly being there for people, of being the dependable one. She taught me how little effort it takes to support and uplift others, and that you can do this by simply being present and paying attention.
Sidereal Capricorn 3rd house, with Neptune and Uranus
The next two pets I beleive go hand-in-hand as one collective message lol. My first cat ever, Noodle, was an adorable lil tortie kitten that I got during my 2nd long term relationship. I got noodle because I felt like I needed a pet lol (I’ve never felt comfortable existing
Without at least one pet at my side😂) and a cat was perfect for my living situation. Things went smoothly for about 8 months, then I decided to get another kitten, why?? Because I’m silly. So I bring this other kitten, Elmo😍, home with me and Noodle is PISSED. Lmfao
I realized I had made a huge mistake by bringing another kitten into our living space, but it was too late lol. A few weeks went by with no improvement, so I decided to separate them, and gave Noodle over to that lovely “best friend” I was telling you about to watch for me
Until I got a bigger place. Fast forward a year later and me and this friend are now living together with both of the cats. Noodle got outside and got pregnant! Lol and now we have two cats and a litter of 5 kittens to top it off. I won’t get into the details, but basically
Everything went south from there pretty much lol. The kittens were so cute and healthy, but it was difficult for us to properly delegate responsibilities due to our personality clashes. A lot of things were swept under the rug on both ends and eventually things exploded
And the friendship ended around the same time the lease was up. Noodle and Elmo taught me the importance of, that’s right, say it with me, ~boundaries~ 😀 need I say more?? No bc this thread is insanely long lol
4th house in Aquarius, with Saturn conjunct IC
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