1 RT = 1 #Freelance Tip

Your first one is free 👇
1. All you need to start freelancing are your skills and a way to get clients

There is no need for an expensive website of your own when you just start out.
2. A great way to get clients easier is to define your niche clearly.

"Wedding Photographer" gets wedding projects easier than just "Photgrapher"

Sounds logical and it is
3. Adding to the last tweet. It is ok to start out broader to see what you like or where the most clients are.

Just make sure to niche down as fast as possible.

This will allow you to gain authority in that particular area and charge more.
4. Know Your USP (unique selling point)

What makes you different from all the other freelancers in the world?

Know this and express it in your profile.
5. Place yourself in the shoes of your prospects

What are they struggling with and what specific solution do you bring to the table?

This will help more than bullet points of your experiences.
6. Having a sales pitch that you personalize for each client is an unfair advantage.

It puts you above 99% of the copy paste people out there.
7. Connect with other freelancers in your market

View them as companions rather than competition

You never know what might head your way because of a connection you have.
8. Learn from people who are ahead in the game

I got this thread idea from @Bronzevertising

There are more great ideas to learn from him that are helpful for business in general

You should follow him
You can follow @danny_tang.
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