had a dream last night that i was a personal assistant robot for this woman who was very kind but also oblivious to the fact that robots, while sentient, were treated like second-class citizens
so one day she has to go somewhere where robots are not allowed so we get in this futuristic elevator-type thing where there are specified spots for robots to sit separately from humans, and the elevator splits off and takes us in two different directions
i wind up in this,,,, god it's like a giant void. it's pitch black, i'm floating in it, it's humming like a computer. i see a surface down below and there's a desk and i swim down to it and eventually gravity kicks in.
the robot at the desk asks me to register and i give her my info and they pass me this like walkie-talkie. there are other robots waiting around. eventually we all get called over to another elevator. so we get in and it takes us to this like,, empty building
and i realize we're expected to fight??? all the other robots have guns. this is v fps. i follow them around and we're in this like, war zone against the human's enemy and when we get through i'm returned to my human and i try to explain what happened but she won't believe me
and eventually she wants to go to the no-robots place again so we get back in the elevator and i'm taken back to the void and i have to fight AGAIN but this time i have a weapon and i'm more of a leader. and at this point the robots are like,, sick of this
so we find out way back to the humans and start uh killing them. i dont want to kill my human, so i dont. i run away instead. i like physically run super far away and end up living in the countryside for like decades. and then one day i get a letter
and i'm like "oh shit they found me" but the robot war is over by now and turns out it's from my human's daughter, who wants to meet me. idk if i ever did meet her lol i woke up p soon after that sry for this thread
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