KING SHIT 🙏🏾 so pro women of you ! indeed...f*ck those underdeveloped humans😎 probably will save a tree ,kill a baby 💯 . bc this generation reduces the value of a human life form to “well im Wahmen i feel like it 😡 “!
introducing the dankest pro life thread of 2020: #DefundPP #ProLife #AbortionIsMurder
EVERYONE starts as a weee wittle fetus. which is why abortion has been illegal for 99% of human history until recently because a large majority of my generation think reality based on feelings
if biology is a social construct fr fuck them kids. for example the new unscientific belief theres no such thing as biological sex but a million genders. this contributes to the radicalleft redefining things to suit feelings-thus shifting the abortion debate
okay back to abortion debate. A FETUS IS NOT A PARASITE
parasites do not have fingerprints,eyes,nose,fingers,etc. baby in the womb is homospecific. meaning both mommy+baby are same species, and mommy’s body is geared grow their own baby.
also babies cant reproduce like parasites can.😂
10 week old Fetus getting litt bc hes alive and well ☺️ little growing person ! A person is simply an individual, an individual is a distinct human being.
People think abortion is just 100% safe ,easy quick procedure but its not. Planned parenthood DO BE LYIN to women. #defundplannedparenthood
“a fetus is not a human being “ but proceeds to use this beings parts for stemcell research,vaccines, food products etc. ok whatever you say ZOOMER (◡‿◡✿)
If you care Here are facts because your brain can’t think for itself and probably takes everything AOC says as gospel :
the science is on the pro life side.
6 #F͟A͟C͟T͟Z͟ 💯🙏🏾
1) rape is 1% of all abortions
2) 95% or so of abortions performed on healthy babies and healthy mothers for elective, selfish reasons
3) a fetus is a term for the development of the human baby life form.
4)8th week of pregnancy, a baby’s eyes are visible
5)A baby’s heart begins to beat during the third week of pregnancy.
6) if sum1 murders a pregnant woman, he gets two counts of "murder," but mom can murder the fetus and it's called her "choice."
my conscience cant support abortion and billions agree with ME 🚼🚮🚫🚫🚫so what have i done about it other than express my EXTREME disgust and moral rejection on twitter? haha im glad you asked!
I was apart of a pro life activism group in 2017-2018.
(i left it bc i had bad social anxiety due to almost dying) ANYWAY
we helped throw baby showers for free,gave out food/clothing,had donate drives,ive seen countless distraught women change their mind before walking into those clinics. we prayed&talked with them about their needs they recieved nothing but support and love from the prolife chapter
(LEWD) Here is how babies are made (no its not porn srry) Please have an open mind and try to understand why people do not support abortion. life starts at conception. This has only become a debated issue after roe v wade. roe eventually became pro life &regretted the court case.
Life is a miracle. all those sperms could of been in a tissue in the garbage but the man+women came as one,the sperm met an egg ,zygote implanted,and eventually made you.
preborn isn’t potential human. He/she is a 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛. they deserved to be protecc
i rest my case,i think this thread gonna make to da surpreme court and outlaw abortions lets pray it does 🙏🏾🙏🏾 #SaveTheBabyHumans Save the Baby hoomans !!!! #Defundpp #defundplannedparenthood #endabortion #fetusisaperson #prolife
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