i feel like a lot of white americans are just now realising that so much mainstream media is catered directly for them, which is why it's so important to consume every type of media with a critical eye. how and why is it pushing the narrative that white americans are the heroes?
as a white person who's not american, so much of the media i consumed when i was younger was american. it painted a false image of what america is actually like in my head, which i'm still unlearning to this day
i always saw myself on screen. we can all agree that white people are hideously overrepresented in mainstream media. but so much of it was also catered directly to americans - their government, their military, their superheroes.
how many non-americans wanted to move there when we were younger because of this false image the media painted in our heads?
i know i used to. but we're all relearning our perception of america, right?
this thread is all over the place i'm sorry ,, but it's just what i've been thinking about lately. especially in light of the racist and anti-semitic undertones in the umbrella academy
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