Want to start a business?

Of course you do

But you're unsure where to start?

Let me help you

And because I know how valuable your time is, I'm going to keep this short and sweet

Here's 5 TIPS that you should consider when starting a BUSINESS
1 • Product - Market Fit

Find your product - Look at your passions and Interests

If you can't find anything - Identify a gap in a market and provide that solution

When you do

Identify what your market needs from your product

This enables you to improve your offering
2 • Create Measurable Goals

What I mean by this, is that your goals should always translate into actions and measurable outcomes


I want to make x sales this months

This is how Im going to do it (the action)

This is how Im going to measure outcomes(conversion %)
3 • Test your Approach

Check and test your approach regularly

What type of copy works best? What Platform? Video or Picture?

In short, Test for a period of time and tailor your approach on what works best for YOU

Test and Measure, it's a game
4 • Analyze your performance

This ties in with setting your goals

Use analytical data to keep track of your progress towards your goals

Whether it's your Lead Conversation Rate (LCR) or your return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Make sure you're aware of your performance
5 • Achieve Optimization

This is either modifying your growth or creating a new one based on your analytical work

The more you test, the better you'll know what works

When you find it, automate it, streamline it
If you've made it this far - Congratulations

You're that much closer to launching your business

I KNOW you can do it - it's always difficult until it's not

I've been there and I'm still here

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