One thing I've had on my mind recently, why are video games pointed out to be the cause of society's downfall? People have made careers out of them, grown up with them, use them as a tool to train their brain, use them to improve physical health and even socialize. Video games⤵️
can be violent, yes, but since the early 1990's the ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board) was founded to give games an age rating based on the content of the game. Violent games are more than likely rated M for mature, so that means NOBODY under 17 years of age is allowed⤵️
to purchase them or play them. But the parents that complain about children playing video games are almost always the ones that bought the game for their children. Yes, I agree that children shouldn't be allowed to play M-rated games, but tbh as long as they don't start⤵️
disrespecting their parents and other family and start destroying property, I'm perfectly fine with it. Yes raging may get annoying, but as a person who had been gaming since they were 4 years old, I fully understand the yelling. People of older generations, SJW's, politicians,⤵️
and anyone that doesn't understand video games attack them like they are tools to hypnotize you to become a member of Al Quaeda or ISIS, simply because perpetrators of various trageties played Fortnite. These people have blamed so much on violence that happens in the world⤵️
but fail to realize that literature, movies, comic books, and various other forms of media have been attacked and hasn't worked because they love to make ridiculous claims like saying "this comic promotes sadistic fantasies", which btw was said about Superman of all things.⤵️
If you want to, one of my favorite YouTubers @SubToOptimus has made countless videos debating and commentating on issues like this better than I can in one threaded tweet. Some part of me wishes he'd make a video on this thread but I do honestly doubt it.⤵️
Mainly due to the fact that he has quite a large following and may think I'm looking for street cred, but no. I don't want clout, I'm just another random on the web after all. I just want to share my thoughts to those that are like minded and leave debate in the open.
You can follow @ShaydedToGrey.
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