I've been thinking a lot lately about how I should have things planned and clear in my head for what I want, and maybe I perpetuate this in my content, but now I realise I don't give myself time to just 'think' and daydream.
In truth, and I think many of you can relate to this, we're all just trying to figure things out as we go along. If you don't have a plan, don't know what you want, or simply prefer to live in the moment, that's normal and it's fine.
I think I'm fine carrying on with the type of content I'm producing and the rate I'm putting it out, but I definitely want to take a few days to take stock of everything on my mind: content creation, the wedding, work, health, family etc.
I guess what I'm trying to say is it may look like I have thing figured out because the nature of my content aims to make it look that way and show I have the answers. But in reality I'm no closer to having things in my own life figured out and can feel that drifting.
To be clear all this isn't to say I'm taking time away from streaming or YouTube, but I'll probably take some time off from work so I have actual headspace to take stock of things going on. Sorry for the long post, hopefully this shows you these feelings are common and normal! 🙂
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