This photo from Brighton on Saturday night in the @Telegraph is a piece of art:
There’s the mixed emotions to this centrepiece fight — the shock, the turning away and the random guy laughing.
There’s this man gesticulating on the side with the woman witnessing not particularly impressed
There’s the patrons in the back, shocked by the events or totally ignorant.
There’s the applauding woman
The woman partying along while the drama unfolds all behind her
There’s the folk on the side trying to get the best possible view
Not to mention the tragically half finished beers and smokes
Than there’s the uncertainty. What we will never know: did the slap land?
This has been my Ted talk on modern British society. Thank you for coming.
UPDATE: this same woman was subseqntly reported on getting into a fight... but appears to be on top of a different woman.
The best part is that the security guy can we seen HOLDING HER WIG
So then it’s these two who are fighting, while the men are holding them off.

The drama of this photo just keeps growing.
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