Human beings lie. This is the one thing I have had to accept. One time I was working on a documentary & was interviewing people when I met this couple. The man was about 38. The woman about 26. It was a romantic spot, and they were holding hands & taking pics...
I go to them & tell them about the documentary. And they insist that they would like to be in it. Man tells me he is a contractor building roads. Woman is a teacher. Tell me their love started back in 2013, and that they come from the same location. But the man's family moved...
And they would not see each other until 2 years ago and it's like they had never left each other. So yeah, they are now rekindling the love. Man tells me he is going to marry her in 4 months. Woman blushes. Turns to the man. Pecks him. Man giggles. It was stupid. But it was good.
I am taking pictures. Recording the conversation. Man says he doesn't understand men who cheat. Why can't they love one person? Says he never married coz he knew he'd never be happy without this woman. Lady is beside herself with joy. Clings onto his arm. Butterflies all over.
It's evening, so I pack my things. Tell them to look out for the 57th edition of that magazine. We part ways. I was very impressed. It was an unconventional story. I titled the piece "A Contractor's Patient Love". I decided to go back there the very next day for similar stories.
I head back there & on that same spot as yesterday, is that man. But this time around he's tickling a chubby little girl, and with him is a buxom woman who is in her late 30s. He sees me, runs towards me before I get there, says, "you know how these things go". Tells me... go interview him, his wife & kids. Says, I should completely discard the previous interview & that his wife will be very pleased to meet me. Introduces me as a schoolmate who works for a big magazine. Unflinching, asks me to take their pics. I was dumbstruck.
So here I was, with 2 interviews. And afraid that if I came back, I would find him with another tale. In the world of documentaries, the best you can do is hope. If you are too excited you will unwittingly peddle falsehoods because people are more concerned with fame than honesty
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