Fuck, gin is a traitor
I'm not drunk, but I'm dizzy as fuck
I still remember what I said to my friend.
I told her that I told him that I love him.

Her: my friend
Him: my... I don't know. I think we're more than friends but less than lovers.
I tried essential oil, and tea. It worked tho. I'm soooo much better. But I'm still dizzy. Still tipsy. I didn't vomit tho. I didn't embarrass myself.
Just fuck, I'm dizzy. DIZZY. Ughhhh, I hate this feeling.
I have high alcohol tolerance, so I guess I took advantage. I drank too much pink gin. Fuck pink gin, that fucking color sucks. I thought it wasn't hard. Thing is, it's hard as fuck.
I know what I'm doing. But I hate the fact that my world is turning upside down because I'm dizzy. I'm drinking my green tea right now, hoping that it will make me feel better so my family wouldn't know that I drank with my friends.
So my brother knew that I drank soju besides of drinking pink gin, I just hope that he wouldn't tell my parents.
Okay, I'll be sleeping. Hoping that I'll feel better.
-end of thread
Lol, who knows that I'll be making a thread because of this? Definitely no oneeeee
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