Interesting how whether or not something is considered "art" or not affects the discourse on whether it's okay to steal it.

With things which are art, it is normally considered art theft to repost without credit.

With "memes", reposting and remixing is expected and celebrated.
I personally like it if people repost and remix my memes. That's the point!

I also get that artists have to make a living and I'm not gonna repost someone else's art w/o credit.

But how do I decide if something I repost is a meme or art? What is my process there? What is yours?
Are memes Low Art? Sub Art? Am I a Lower Artist? I don't call myself an artist but it's worth asking.

If art is art and memes are not, then what's fanart? I will defend fanart to the death, but it's normally made w/o consent!

What about graffiti? Original work; stolen canvas?
This thread on Sub Art concludes on my private account, @gd_hvr

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