In 1981,when an American woman,Serena Nanda came to conduct research to write an anthropological study on hijras, she was blessed by a priest at a Ganesha temple and felt that it was an "auspicious" beginning to her research.Result-Neither Man nor Woman,the Hijras of India.
From methodology to narrative, the book is problematic to say the least.For instance, she goes to a hijras household but for reasons she can't articulate even to herself(as she writes), she chooses another hijra household as her main site because of the "good vibrations" she felt
And here we are in 2020, you can't even order a good vibrator on Amazon india.
Not going to make a thread of criticism of her book here for researchers to lazily plagiarise without citing me. So this is the end of this thread. Have a good vibrations day folks :-)
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