A brief short background story of myself, or I'd rather to call it how I changed. Leave Qs so I can answer them.
Here it is:
I was born in a let's say typical religious family. Mom would pray most of the days while dad would pray too (which they still are)
I myself was forced-
to accept religion as any other kid has im the place I lived. Truth be told, I wasn't very fond of it. I really didn't like religion and the religious characters such as prophets or their followers. Yet religion was always a part of my life. I either accepted it or argued with-
some parts of it and saw it as a cruel philosophy. The thing is I never stopped thinking about God or his religions.
My belief stages was this:
-forced believer
-doubting everything I've been told
-a very very strong unbeliever (atheist)
-a very very strong believer-
People who are non believers can understand how impossible it is to make someone believe in God when they were believers before, then became non believers. It's almost like trying to make the Pope a Muslim.
I didn't believe in God at all. I know exactly how-
non believers see this world and respect it since that's how I was if it weren't for God. I thought the world has no creator, no heaven, hell, angels, demons, messiah. I mean why should it? Why shouldn't a world exist without an all wise and almighty creator? Who says that-
a world without creator cannot exist? I was like "Religion is just a lie created by thieves and murderers to manipulate people to do their biddings and rule the world. Prophets are just sexist liars and there is no creator."
That's exactly how I was. Believe me I know how-
exactly how you feel or think. And if it weren't for God, I'd have definitely died an atheist when time has come. But let's say some things happened. Some truly horrifying things that I wish the things I saw, the ugly side of the real world didn't exist but it does. And it's-
truly truly horrifying. Non believers know it's impossible to make a non believer a believer. Cause you feel like your eyes have opened. You're smarter than the people who think religion is real, you're braver than them and you're more kind than them. But it is still-
possible to become a believer even though you're a non believer. My life was completely rocked after I found out God is real.
Now you might say how did I find this heavenly being's presence? How I "found out" God is real? I'd share but it's too personal that I don't want to put-
some people in danger.
Anyways, when I found out in what kind of world I actually live in, I was shocked, and tbh, horrified. Realizing that there is a judgment day, there are evil invisible beings all around the world who want to ruin your life and their king that want-
nothing but to spiritually and physically ruin you, is truly terrifying. At least for me. Yes I found an actual peace when I met with Jesus Christ my Lord, but it brought me some fears that I've never felt before in my life.
So I just wanted to say, if someone doesn't believe-
in God or religion, simply let them be. God can show and prove his existence to anyone anytime he desires just like he did to me. Some people say "He can't prove his existence." but in reality he can, he just doesn't.
Some people don't find God's lights in their life or just-
have a blind eye over it even if they're shown (like myself).
By the end of this thread, I just wish God shows his light to people who can handle it (unlike myself which I'm still shocked to know he is real. I swear I still sometimes can't believe he is real) and those who-
are too blind to see it, leave them be. They cannot accept God's presence unless he wants them to.
And always remember, whenever you feel all alone, there's no one to turn your face to, try for once turning to God.
He loves all sinners. It's the sin he doesn't like.
God bless🙏
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