So. WorldCon. I don’t think the old white fucks who rambled for hours about their favourite fascists will ever understand how much damage they did to BIPOC, queer, disabled and other marginalised folks.

This has fucked people up, and the SFF world has been fucking people up 1/?
For a very long time. All love and power to folks who have called it out, publicly, time and time again. I’m thinking @nkjemisin, @jeannette_ng and @kuangrf amongst others.

Here’s the thing. My people (and indeed, entire communities) are hurting. 2/?
Some folks are very much not OK. And I will never, ever forgive GRRM and his ilk for his petty, snide, bullshit speeches. The mockery, the sexism, the worship of absolute monsters... did he stop for one second to think that the world is already fucked up enough? 3/?
We are all already fucked (speaking as a queer disabled person. Obviously I am white and cannot speak for BIPOC).

But they just had to grind their heels down on everyone, huh? From their places of rich white safety and comfort? 4/?
I will never forgive them. I am entirely fire and fury and wraith right now. I’m going to burn those fuckers to the ground, and I’m going to put all of my love and care and support behind the people they decided to smash to pieces. Because they couldn’t let Campbell go. 5/?
Do not fuck with the people I care about. It will not end well for you.

But your end is already here. We’ve won. The winners and the nominees proves that. It’s been proving it for years. But don’t think I’ll let you get away with breaking people as you fade into nothingness.
Like if the hardest thing in your life right now is being sad that an award was renamed, to the point where you’re happy to commit actual violence against BIPOC folks...

You don’t even know how hard folks are struggling to stay the fuck alive right now.

But it’s all about YOU
It’s all about you, and it’s so horribly obviously, because you can spend two hours with a mic COMPLAINING about FUCKING CAMPBELL.

How about two hours talking about how fucking glorious the nominees are. Encouraging people to read their work. BOOSTING FUCKING KIWIS
I’m so fucking angry about this.

They didn’t even SEE it.

Just know that if you’re a marginalised creator, I will fight for you, and I will keep fighting for you. That’s never going to change.

You matter.
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