awhile ago i retweeted a tweet that said something along the lines of “call he they/she they enby’s they/them bc they never hear it” and i unironically havent stopped thinking about it since (1/?)
when i first came out as non-binary i or initiating used he/they pronouns bc i felt more masuline then feminie and i didnt want people to get too to confused when referring to me. after about two months of that i realized he/him did not fit me and i was only using
he/him to make other people comfortable (and to protect myself from discrimination if im honest). enbies who use something other than they/them need to highlighted more bc they go FOREVER without hearing the pronouns that shows other people that they are not cis
and they’re secure enough in their identity to tolerate that. just because they use he him or she her doesnt mean they’re less non-binary, and while that should be celebrated in of itself, they deserve to hear the pronouns that allow them the ambiguity of being non-binary
not just the cisnormative pronouns that people are comfortable saying bc it makes them forget that non-binary people exist. this thread is mostly to my cis followers out there: honor all pronouns a person uses, not just the ones that make YOU feel more comfortable
becuase at the end if the day we are people that MATTER, and what we ask of you should at the very least demonstrate that you think we matter too.
this thread isnt intended to exclude strictly he/him or she/her non-binary people, this is most for the enbys who use multiple pronouns
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