This gaslighting of young lesbians has to fucking stop.
Let's just be very clear, this follows directly from the ideology.

1. A 'woman' is defined by gender identity
2. Thus, this gender identity over-rides the material reality of sex
3. Therefore, the body of a person who identifies as a woman is a woman's body
4. Therefore, there
is not such thing as 'female' genitals
5. Therefore, lesbians should be attracted to the genitals of any person who identifies as a woman
6. Therefore, a lesbian who insists she is only attracted to the genitals of biologically female people is invalidating a trans woman's
identity and is transphobic
7. That is 'genital preferences' i.e. sexual orientation, is transphobic
8. That is, being homosexual is transphobic.

So, the gay rights movement has been colonised by an ideology that denies the existence of homosexuality.

Great work everyone.
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