I keep reflecting on "what is therapy"

And how colonialism has affected the way many of us understand wellbeing, healing, & help.
Like how..I wish I could remember the source..there is a tribes that when someone is depressed it becomes a community effort to care for them where they cannot care for themselves & speak words of honest affirmation.
The ideas are less on talking through things & more on community intigration..which, like..I guess would also be practical within restorative & transformative justice things?
I really appreciate learning more about how healing & healers are integrated within disability justice, & more so than only centering things around professionally deemed therapy.

It's so frustrating how much of professionalism is also associated with colonialism & It's products.
Because it's good & important to have regulation, but it's also the worst how Indigenous & communal ways of healing aren't recognized as being valid.
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