@svembu A philosophy of life that links Artha & Kama with dharma with ultimate belief in Moksha is the answer to worship of animal spirit in economics which need to be moderated, not promoted. We have escaped this because of combine of community family &religion of all kinds https://twitter.com/svembu/status/1289752947790942208
The global focus of the last 70 years on money without relations is the cause of the current malady gifted by the West to the Rest. A UN advisory in 1951 told the underdeveloped nations to give up their philosophy and culture if they wanted to develop. That was put our curriculum
Karl Marx wrote in 1853 changeless Indian socio economic model is centred on villages. people worship cows & monkeys, semi barbaric. Though distressed at British destroying India’s socio economc order he said it was pleasurable destruction as it will prepare India for revolution
British almost destroyed our socio economic structure but India did not oblige the Karl Marx with revolution as family community religion mix India so decentralised the belief system, communist revolution which was modelled by and for centralised Christianity couldn’t take place
Marx borrowed his revolution from Ana Baptist’s of Wesphalia who, vexed at the materialism that detracted from Christ, seized power, banned all books except Bible nationalised properties & women in early 16th C. Communism could win against Single God, not against crores of Gods
India which was only disturbed but not destroyed by communism was as much immune to capitalism because of the combine of community family and religions. Economics works with Indian culture. global capitalism is in crisis before it could harm India more. It is right time for India
The Atmanirhbar idea is the outcome of the Indian experience with Swadeshi since 1904 when Dhadhabhai, Tilak, Lal Bal Pal and later Gandhi weaponised it to fight the British. Post independent leadership failed to grasp & shape a protesting thought for ruling, turned to socialism
The world is turning away from globalisation which has failed in 25 years. We saw communism failing in 50 years, capitalism in 100 years and colonialism in 200 years showing how shelf life of contemporary ideas have been crashing
It is time that India centric intellectuals businessmen politicians who are not many in an Eco system dominated by externalised minds operating India to come together to navigate the nation from the huge confusion that the West has caused to itself and India.
India needs to emerge as the thought giver to the world, not just remain importer and consumer of ideas from outside. 18, 19 even middle 20 century western scholars were attracted to Indian philosophy but post independent India decried and turned itself and the world away from it
It is because a defeated India misinterpreted victorious Ashoka giving up war and imitated him and the 1st prime minister even thought of disbanding the army. Ashoka gave up war but didn’t disband the army
Result India ignored the lesson from both Kurukehstra & Kalinga war. Arjuna state before Kurukshetra war & Ashoka’s after Kalinga was was total confusion. Krishna removed Arjuna’s confusion about wars as an exception, but Ashoka who waged an adhering war remained confused
Ashoka’s confusion became India’s. But Ashoka who gave up the war never gave up the army and war battle ready. But India gave up the war, neglected army. It was Chinese, not Gita or Krishna or Ashoka who taught us about being battle ready
It was 1965 war which gave confidence to India that it would win wars. It was Banglore war which made us know we can break our enemies. But India did not convince the world that will play global power game till it went nuclear in Pokhara II. India arrived on the Global scene
India pursued non violence of the weak till 1988 when the world of power wrote off an Indian that abhorred power and afterwards it got on to the non violence of Ayodhya, the concept where no one can date a war against it. In this process India lost half a century of global regard
Now is time for India when Western liberal democracy which covers just 14% world’s population is tottering according to Brooking with voting falling from 90% to 60%. India according to Brooking as the only bright spot. Without India even western liberal democracy can’t survive
Western lineral democracy is no more a model for itself. India’s family community and society allied democracy is the model for it in future as rights based hyper individualism has proved to be a disaster. The world has now realised what Gandhi ji told HG Wells in 1946
HG Wells wrote to Mahatma Gandhi to endorse his universal declaration of human rights. Gandhi said he would do it if he changed the paradigm to human duties and not rights, saying duties include rights but rights don’t include duties.
Indian and Gandhian paradigm is the only way for future of the world. Indian intellectuals need to understand their global responsibility
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