thinking about how in the original version of the little mermaid, the mermaid made a deal with the sea witch to be with the prince bUT ALSO to procure a soul because mermaids don't have souls and how that's infinitely more interesting than the ol' romance angle +
anyway my point is that people focus on the least interesting part of the original and the least interesting part of the original story.
I DELETED PART OF THIS THREAD 'CAUSE I GOT AN IDEA FOR A TWIST ON IT I COULD WRITE but anyway, so obviously the original is v chris/tian and deals with a christ/ian view of like the soul and stuff but like if you take that away, there are so many interesting ways you could play +
with the whole concept of like...a sentient being who has a chance to continue existing in some form within the framework of the original story without prescribing to the original's world view. +
aLSO, the original has an ambiguous end where the mermaid becomes a Daughter of the Air and will gain an immortal soul and ascend to Heaven after doing good deeds for 300 years which is also v interesting and more interesting than the straight tragedy ending imo
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