I don’t talk too much about my personal beliefs on here but I’ve been thinking it might be time to share stuff, in case anyone was ever interested or happens upon my account:

1. Fat is not a bad word. I am not my fat nor is anyone else. I am Sprout and I have fat, I am not fat.
Stop shaming people for their bodies because people being happy in their own skin makes you uncomfortable or because you aren’t interested in fucking them. Or, just maybe, you’re so damn insecure about yourself because of bullshit beauty standards that you have to put others down
to make yourself feel better or continue to perpetuate bullshit beauty standards.

2. Black lives matter. Black trans lives matter. Period.

3. Wear a fucking mask and social distance. The pandemic isn’t over just because you’re over it. Stop being selfish.
4. Love is love.* Live your true self and love whomever makes you happy. (*this does not include pedophiles or zoophiles, fuck those people.)

5. Vote. Seriously. If you need help registering, tell me, I will help you. You have a power, use it.

6. Stop being shitty to women.
7. Stop being shitty to women in furry/gaming/fandoms as a whole.

8. Racism exists. Police brutality exists. These things are not mutually exclusive. You can choose to not be part of the problem.

9. I believe in vintage style but not vintage values.

10. Support/tip artists.
11. Clothes/makeup/jewelry/etc. does not have a gender. Wear whatever you want and be beautiful.

12. Mental health is a struggle, don’t shame people for what you don’t understand or choose to educate yourself on.

13. Self care is 100% important always.

14. Communicate. Do it.
15. People you date/marry/etc. are allowed to leave you if they are no longer happy in that situation. They are allowed to move on and be happy with someone other than you. Additionally, you don’t have to be friends with your exes or stay with people if you’re not happy.
That’ll do it for now. I don’t wanna overload anyone. But feel free me to ask me if anyone ever wants to know my stance on stuff, I suppose. Stay well, y’all and be nice to others.
You can follow @awesomesprout.
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