I don’t know what he’s feeling right now but I do know what it’s like to walk into a place that was supposed to be you’re home where you’re no longer welcome and people treat you differently and you’re the only one fighting for what’s right

This is truly heartbreaking.
I cannot emphasize this enough and how much it breaks you and takes the joy away from what it is you loved when you realize you’ll always be an outsider and no one cares enough about you enough to make themselves even the slightest bit u corntsble
How many of us BIPoC have had to ask our white friends and colleagues in hockey, no, beg, for our basic humanity & rights only to be ignored or shut down or have the door slammed in our faces because our “friends,” the people we loved, didn’t love us enough to have basic decency
And we’ll lie to ourselves (or at least I did) because pretending they don’t actually not care is easier than the heartbreaking realization that nobody in hockey loves you
And we stay because, well what’s the alternative? Give up on the only home I’ve ever had and find some other way to spend my free time? Say goodbye to the sport I love because it doesn’t see humanity in BIPoC?

I used to think I was an idiot for hurting myself by saying
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