Freedom of speech matters because it allows us to voice and hear unpopular and controversial views.

You absolutely reserve the right to disagree and talk back to them with spite because they honestly may deserve it, but you cannot silence them.
If you do not value the freedom of speech,

you must value ignorance.
As a part of that freedom of speech, here is something controversial and unpopular that deserves to be known about: psychedelics

A rational and honest look into the WORST possible things that can happen on psychedelics (not biased like the title seems)
If you want to learn the best ways to avoid those types of bad trips:
If you want to learn about how psychedelics in the future will become a common part of in society:
If you want an example of what happens during a mushroom trip:
If you want a funny but crazy story of what happens during a DMT trip (DMT is the most intense psychedelic drug):
"Psychedelics are to the study of the mind what the microscope is to biology and the telescope to astronomy"
This thread is a mess but..there are two approaches to psychedelics.

One is using them casually for fun and experiencing incredibly profound emotions

One is using them therapeutically to learn about your own mind, since they only work on what you provide, and make realizations
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