AAside Shipping Poll Results thread!!

This poll was made for fun please dont point fingers at me saying I ship any of these. This is all made by and for Navigators and I didn't put in my own votes as to keep this fair~
Disclaimer: Large agegaps and incest was forbidden in this poll and will not make any appearance as well as anything involving Shuu. No ship involving minors went over 2 years and no ship involving Fantome Iris included anyone under 20 years old!
I'll also wanna mention that this has 53 votes, all uniques as I wanted to avoid spamming
20. With 11.6% votes 4 ships took the 20th spot.

YuuBan which grew for many after the events of episode 9.

RyoReon because who doesn't love to ship the tsukkomi of a group with the silliest of the group
Continuing 20th place

KohaJun Which struck the heart of some from the very beginning with Koharu's introduction comic

And KoheYama for those who want to see the development between the overprotective big brother and the too honest for his own good outsider
This is a large one, in 19th place with 13.2% of votes, 7 ships made it in. This was the largest tie so don't worry. In it is:

Wataren, a ship that cant cook one bit!

RioRen, Ren was the only one who believed in Rio's potential to join the band, they mutually supported each one
continuing 19th

FuutaRen, which suddenly surfaced after the adorableness of these two pure-hearted vocalists in the newest comic

YuuRio, while I dont quite personally get it I can see the potential of the ship
cont. 19th

NayuRyo, Im sure Ryo's silliness and antics can break that cold hard wall Nayuta puts infront of himself.

KouMisa, childhood friends, Kouhei always puts Misaki's favorite meal over Yamato's
And final 19th is

TadaKana, both seem to very often be together, Tadaomi seems to always be interested in learning about Kanata
In 18th with 15.1% of votes are 3 ships

MiyuKen, both care about Nayuta in their own way and I want to see how their differences will result in the game stories

KouFuu, Kouhei is very overprotective on Fuuta and Fuuta is the only one that calls him Kouniichan. Very close indeed
And final 18th is

Poly Fantome Iris!

These old men love each other very much and have proven it time and time again how much they deeply care for each other's wellbeing
in 17th place with 17% of votes were 4 ships!

Firstly the adorable BanRio. A cute ship that we couldnt explore enough in the anime but I'm sure the game will serve us some food!

BanAoi, both are the ones in charge of shopping for the household and have bonded over such.
cont 17th

RyoMiyuki, they seem to have their troubles thanks to Miyuki not understanding Ryo well but despite of that still care for each other!

FuuMisa, idiot childhood friends. Misaki always looks up to Fuuta's wellbeing and cares for him a lot
In 16 with 18.9% of votes were 3 ships!

MiyuBan. This was literally the only pic i found of them Im so sor- A drummer based ship, hoping to see more in the game of them

MiyuReon. They have a lot of difference and find each other to be a bit weird at times but that's spice of it
and final 16th

TadaReiji, both from the same year, Tadaomi has a lot he could learn about Reiji when the game comes out.
At 15th place with 20.8% of voters we finally have a solitary ship!!


Kenta obviously spoils the fuck out of Nayuta so it's obvious how fans warmed up to this ship!
At 14th with 22.6% of votes we have 3 ships, this one is a FuuRai take over!

Fuuyama. With Fuuta being the one who invited Yamato to the band and behaving in equal wavelenght its no wonder people like them

KouAoi. Kouhei is always there to protect Aoi when he cries.
cont. 14th is


Theres theories and implications roaming around these two and their past. Something I can't wait for it to be explored!
At 13th place with 24.5% of votes we got two ships

YuuRen. They got a really amazing character developtment together mid series that grabbed the hearts of many

FelixTomoru. There's a lot of implied history between both in the PV, bushi please give us fantome content!
At 12th place with 26% of votes.

We have the TadaHaru and we only have Laur, the CEO of TadaHaru to thank for this one.

This is, by god, the only picture i could find of these two Im so sorry
At 11th place with 28% of votes are 2 ships

NayuReon, lets get it out there and admit yall love this ship BECAUSE they hate each other lmao

YamaMisa, Misaki obviously cares a lot about Yamato and seems to be the person that looks after him the most in the group
We're finally at top 10! With 30% of votes we got the GOOD PAIR OF FRIENDS:


I believe they can become really great friends together thanks to their common interest in tokusatsu heroes!
At 9th place with 32.1% we have the adorable duo


Ren was the one that understood what Banri was goint through financially while also motivating him that there's no other drummer for Argonavis than Banri himself. The two seem to be very close friends.
At 8th place we have another polyamoty with exactly 34% of votes we got

Polynavis!! (Argonavis)

A band that has been through a lot in the recent days but have only proven just how powerful their bond truly is!
At 7th place with 35.7% off votes is another polyamory ship!!

PolyRiZING! (Haha just like my username)

A band that has (possibly) been through hell and back together for years and is still as close as they first were!
Ties are back in 6th place, with 43.5% of votes, 3 ships made it in again.

YuuReon, who knew each other since the events before the anime as their own band

TomoJun, another pair that seem to always be found together in many comics
(cont 6)

And YamAoi

Thanks to his good looks it has led Aoi flustered which is how the ship struck the hearts of many fans
Starting off top 5 with a BANG, with 43.4% is the ULTIMATE ship, the BEST ship, the ONLY ship


I can write a wholeass paragraph about them but I'll save you the trouble~

aka Fuutaoi didnt make it to Top 5
Now Let's continue w the real top 5, with 43.5% of votes we got


The producing duo who has a rough start but warmed up to each other more and more as time went on.
On 4th place with 52.8% of voters we have


The adorable and encouraging duo that also have matching bracelet. A ship you can't deny

Look at Ryo calling Kenta Ken-Ken!
Ready to be shocked???? Are yall ready for the biggest shoc of your life????
You expected this to be # 1, I expected it to be #1. It took us all by surprised but with 54.7% of votes the 3rd place goes to


A rivalry that can be seen through the entire franchise. Favorited by many, but as loud as these fan may be they did not reach first place.
At 2nd place, with 60.4% of votes is the ship that walls all our hearts equally no matter what.


Almost practically a couple, Yuuto claims their friendship hitted off immediately upon meeting and since then they are never separated from each other!
And now for the winner!

The ship with 62.3% of votes, loves by all, first place winner isssss.....


Congratulations to these kickass old men that have been close to each other since childhood. Theyve had a rough path but are a bond that absolutely no one can break.
That concludes this thread, this was a lot of fun!

I hope no one got too upset at the results, just keep on giving content and I'm sure your ships will resonate more between others!!

And don't forget to pre-register to AAside if you haven't yet!! https://twitter.com/Chiku_mi/status/1274674006474526721
You can follow @polyRIZING.
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