since no one can get this right, here’s how bands should respond to accusations against members: a thread
- look into accusations and the validity of them
- take any and all accusations seriously, look at the as true unless proved otherwise
- make a statement regarding the situation
- reprimand the accused, kick them out and take legal action if necessary (cont.)
- reach out to victims/victims’ families, offer support if possible.
- spread the accusations, inform people in the community
- help the victims take legal action if possible.
- take a hiatus until the accusations are forgotten about
- ignore accusations and victims
- accuse victims of lying/making false accusations
- kick the band member out, but only until the accusations are forgotten about (ptv)
- acknowledge accusations, but do nothing about it
- quietly kick out the member and hide that they were kicked out, and only address it when brought up (miw)

i’ll add more to this thread if anyone can come up with more 💕
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